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ما سيتم تدريسه من خلال دورة الويب الكاملة و المنهج التدريسي الذي ستمشي عليه الدورة
Chapter 1 Introduction
تقديم للشطر الأول من الدورة (17:48)
The Tools We Need (1:50)
Introduction : What Is HTML (1:48)
HTML VS HTML5 (4:33)
HTML is Tag's (4:46)
First Project (10:27)
heading - break - Paragraphs - preformatted (11:13)
Image (10:14)
A Anchor (2:58)
comment (3:55)
List (8:05)
Table part 1 (8:56)
table part 2 (5:19)
table part 3 (8:19)
Classes & ID (6:08)
Div & Span (8:30)
Form (8:15)
Introduction (6:20)
How To Add CSS (7:00)
syntax (8:01)
Comment (1:52)
Color (10:59)
Backgrounds (7:26)
Borders (8:43)
Margins (6:39)
padding (5:41)
height & width (4:19)
Model Box (6:55)
Text (7:16)
Font (4:24)
links (5:02)
Display (7:37)
Min & Max ( Height , width) (6:31)
Overflow (5:11)
Float (3:55)
Position (13:37)
Z-index (9:46)
Content '' intro : Before & after '' (5:13)
Practical Application [ HTML & CSS ]
Login Application
Register Application
Template Application
[HTML & CSS] : Application N° 1
Login Application : Planning (5:24)
Login Application : [HTML] (4:16)
Login Application : [CSS] (21:25)
Register Application : [HTML] (8:13)
Register Application : [CSS] (19:53)
Introduction (3:17)
Interface & Performance (9:51)
Create New Project (7:07)
Layer Part1 (10:28)
Shapes Tools (11:00)
Text (13:49)
gradiant (9:37)
Color & Swatches (6:58)
marque Tools (5:54)
Pen Tool Introduction (7:22)
Artboard (7:33)
Photoshop [Application N°0] : Planning
Index (16:24)
About (7:10)
Service (7:44)
Team (7:43)
Contact Us (10:51)
Footer (6:41)
Introduction (4:28)
HTML5 Is Semantic (2:45)
New Element Introduction (4:23)
New element Part : 1 (15:06)
New element Part : 2 (14:33)
CSS3_ Cascading Style Sheet
Introduction (4:11)
Border-radius (8:29)
Color & Opacity (9:34)
Shadows (14:44)
Web Font (6:43)
Box Sizing (10:55)
Transform 2D & 3D Introduction (3:27)
Transform 2D : [ Rotate ] (3:18)
Transform 2D : [ Scale] (4:31)
Transform 2D : [ Skew ] (3:47)
Transform 2D : [ Translate] (5:34)
Transform 2D : [ Matrix ] (8:04)
Transfrom 3D : [Rotate] (8:31)
Transfrom 3D : [Translate] (7:09)
Transfrom 3D : [Scale] (6:00)
Flexible Introduction (5:16)
Flexible [Display] (5:18)
Justify Content (10:06)
Align : Items - Content (11:07)
Order_Flex (24:11)
Transition Introduction (4:33)
Transition Property & Duration (6:09)
Transition Timing Function (7:26)
Transition Delay (8:16)
Animation Introduction (5:29)
Animation @KeyFrames (12:31)
Animation Name & duration (4:16)
Animation iteration & Direction (5:45)
Animation fill mode & delay (4:33)
Animation timing function & play state & abbreviation (6:31)
Responsive & Grid
Responsive Introduction (2:41)
ViewPort [Meta Tag's] (11:12)
Media Query (14:21)
Media Query Example (7:58)
Practical Application [ HTML5 & CSS3 & Responsive ]
Ecommerce Application
live broadcast [Responsive]
Website structuring [HTML] (48:49)
Website Layout [CSS] (60:09)
Website Layout [CSS] (54:30)
Website Responsive [ Media Query ] (28:10)
Algorithme [C Language ] [Level 1 ]
Tools (3:55)
Syntax (5:42)
First Program " Hello World " (6:04)
Variable & Constants (20:55)
Comment (1:42)
input (17:31)
Operator (17:34)
Condition [ if _ else _ else...if ] (15:33)
Condition [ Switch ] (21:51)
Loops [Introduction] (9:18)
Loops [ for _ while _ Do...while ] (26:50)
Arrays (38:15)
live broadcast [ C Language ]
Quiz 1 & 2 (63:10)
Quiz 3 (43:44)
Quiz 4 (27:31)
Javascript Basic
Where to (10:31)
Comment (4:33)
Variable intro (9:54)
Variable Part 1 (14:35)
Arithmetic Operators (14:43)
Condition Intro (3:54)
Condition if _ Else .. if _ else (11:35)
Condition & Operation Logical (19:21)
Recursion (repetition) Introduction (Loops) (7:36)
[Loops : For ] Part-1 (13:01)
[Loops : While ] Part-1 (12:30)
[Loops : Do..while ] Part-1 (5:02)
Function Intro (5:54)
function declaration (5:13)
function expression (9:19)
Function Return (7:05)
Function parameters (12:58)
function Revision (9:29)
Switch : case & break (12:24)
Continue & break (6:43)
Arrays Introduction (5:56)
Arrays part 1 : Important Info (number) (7:07)
Arrays part 1 : Important Info (String) (7:55)
Arrays Part 2 : Methods (14:55)
Object (17:45)
Callback Functions (16:25)
JavaScript Exercises
Exercises N° : 1 (14:02)
Exercises N° : 2 (4:24)
Exercises N° : 3 (10:32)
Exercises N° : 4 (4:18)
Exercises N° : 5 (2:49)
Exercises N° : 6 (8:30)
Exercises N° : 7 (6:35)
Exercises N° : 8 (4:07)
Exercises N° : 9 (3:14)
JavaScript OOP
Create the first object (12:31)
accessing properties ( Dot vs Bracket ) (3:08)
Adding New Properties & Deleting (3:44)
Arrays and Objects (7:39)
Object Method (14:59)
Object Display (11:49)
Accessors Getters and Setters (16:45)
Constructors (20:20)
Method & Properties (7:36)
Document (6:18)
Finding HTML Elements (16:51)
Changing HTML Content (15:18)
Attributes (20:52)
Events (16:00)
Elements (Nodes)
Node Lists
Form Validation
Bootstrap 5
Install & Get Started (8:36)
Containers (13:58)
Typography - Color - Background (16:21)
UI with bootstrap Introduction (9:53)
Introduction : what is typeScript (6:40)
Installation : Nodejs & TypeScript (2:13)
Running Code Ts & Configuration TsConfig.ts
Variables (5:42)
Tools To Need (16:42)
Syntax & Comment (9:01)
Print Function (6:29)
Variables & Constant (15:07)
Operators Introduction (2:16)
Arithmetic Operators (5:13)
Assignment Operators (4:27)
Comparison Operators (9:58)
Increment / Decrement Operators (6:04)
Condition ( if _ elseif _ else ) (5:59)
Logical Operators (15:06)
Switch Statement (12:24)
Loops Introduction (6:44)
Loops [While] (8:42)
Loops [ Do ... while ] (2:43)
Loops [for] (18:46)
Function Introduction (10:34)
Function [Return & Arguments] (18:27)
Arrays Introduction (8:28)
Arrays [Indexed & Associative] (21:39)
Arrays [Multidimensional] (37:05)
Arrays [Sorting] (14:35)
Superglobals [$GLOBALS] (10:26)
PHP Forms Project
1. Visual Studio Code Extensions for the Project (6:18)
2. Project Structure Organizing Files and Folders (9:34)
3. start Project and Tools Test (6:00)
4. Error PhpMyAdmin [Port] (4:55)
5. Creating the Index Form (Basic Layout HTML) (6:17)
6. Creating the Login Form ( Basic Layout : HTML ) (10:08)
7. Creating the Register Form ( Basic Layout : HTML ) (6:26)
8. Creating the Form: Part 1 (Styling with CSS) (19:04)
9. Creating the Form: Part 2 (Styling with CSS) (11:39)
10. Introduction to MySQL and Setting Up the Database
Creating the Database and Tables
Inserting and Testing Data in Tables
Introduction to Database Connection
Handling Registration Form Data: Part 1 (Receiving Data)
Handling Registration Form Data: Part 2 (Data Validation and Password Hashing)
Handling Registration Form Data: Part 3 (Inserting Data into the Database)
Handling Login Form Data: Part 1 (Receiving Data)
Handling Login Form Data: Part 2 (User Authentication and Password Verification)
Handling Login Form Data: Part 3 (Redirecting Users Based on Authentication)
Error Handling and User Feedback in Registration
Error Handling and User Feedback in Login
Securing PHP Scripts and Forms
Implementing Sessions and User Authentication
Creating a User Dashboard (Basic Layout)
Styling the User Dashboard with CSS
Implementing Logout Functionality
Validating and Sanitizing User Input
Protecting Against SQL Injection Attacks
Implementing Password Reset Functionality
Creating a Password Reset Form
Handling Password Reset Requests
Updating Passwords Securely
Implementing Email Verification for Registration
Creating an Email Verification System
Handling Email Verification Links
Finalizing User Registration with Email Verification
Adding Frontend Validation with JavaScript
Improving User Experience with JavaScript
Validating Forms on the Client-Side with JavaScript
Testing and Debugging the Entire Application
Configuring Security Settings for Production
Course Summary and Next Steps
Arrays and Objects
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