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HTML5 [Hyper Text Markup Language ]
[4]: Introduction (4:22)
[5]: Tools (3:43)
[6]: What Is HTML (2:00)
[7]: HTML VS HTML5 (4:33)
[8]: HTML is Tag's (4:46)
[9]: First Project (10:27)
[10]: heading - break - Paragraphs - preformatted (11:13)
[11]: Image (10:14)
[12]: A Anchor (2:58)
[13]: comment (3:55)
[14]: List (8:05)
[15]: Table part 1 (8:56)
[16]: table part 2 (5:19)
[17]: table part 3 (8:19)
[18]: Classes & ID (6:08)
[19]: Div & Span (8:30)
[20]: Form (8:15)
[21]: HTML5 Is Semantic (2:45)
[22]: New Element Introduction (4:23)
[23]: New element Part : 1 (15:06)
[24]: New element Part : 2 (14:33)
CSS [Cascading Style Sheet]
[25]: Introduction (6:20)
[25]: How To Add CSS (7:00)
[26]: syntax (8:01)
[27]: Comment (1:52)
[28]: Color (10:59)
[29]: Backgrounds (7:25)
[30]: Borders (8:43)
[31]: Margins (6:39)
[32]: padding (5:41)
[33]: height & width (4:19)
[34]: Model Box (6:55)
[35]: Text (7:16)
[36]: Font (4:24)
[37]: links (5:02)
[38]: Display (7:37)
[39]: Min & Max ( Height , width) (6:31)
[40]: Overflow (5:11)
[41]: Float (3:55)
[42]: Position (13:37)
[43]: Z-index (9:46)
[44]: after & before intro (5:13)
[HTML & CSS] : Application N° 1
[45]: Login Application : Planning (5:24)
[46]: Login Application : [HTML] (4:16)
[47]: Login Application : [CSS] (20:01)
[48]: Login Application : [CSS-2] (1:24)
[49]: Register Application : [HTML] (8:13)
[50]: Register Application : [CSS] (19:53)
CSS3 [Cascading Style Sheet]
[51]: Introduction (4:11)
[52]: Border-radius (8:29)
[53]: Color & Opacity (9:34)
[54]: Shadows (14:44)
[55]: Text Effects
[56]: Web Font (6:43)
[57]: Box Sizing (10:55)
[58]: Transform 2D & 3D Introduction (3:27)
[59]: Transform 2D : [ Rotate ] (3:18)
[60]: Transform 2D : [ Scale] (4:31)
[61]: Transform 2D : [ Skew ] (3:47)
[62]: Transform 2D : [ Translate] (5:34)
[63]: Transform 2D : [ Matrix ] (8:04)
[64]: Transfrom 3D : [Rotate] (8:31)
[65]: Transfrom 3D : [Translate] (7:09)
[66]: Transfrom 3D : [Scale] (6:00)
[67]: Transfrom 3D : [Perspective]
[68]: Flexible Introduction (5:16)
[69]: Flexible [Display] (5:18)
[70]: Justify Content (10:06)
[71]: Align : Items - Content (11:07)
[72]: Order_Flex (24:11)
[73]: Transition Introduction (4:33)
[74]: Transition Property & Duration (6:09)
[75]: Transition Timing Function (7:26)
[76]: Transition Delay (8:16)
[77]: Animation Introduction (5:29)
[78]: Animation @KeyFrames (12:31)
[79]: Animation Name & duration (4:16)
[80]: Animation iteration & Direction (5:45)
[81]: Animation fill mode & delay (4:33)
[82]: Animation timing function & play state & abbreviation (6:31)
PHOTOSHOP 2020 [UI Level 1]
[83]: Introduction (3:17)
[84]: Interface & Performance (9:51)
[85]: Create New Project (7:07)
[86]: Layer Part1 (10:28)
[87]: Shapes Tools (11:00)
[88]: Text (1:53)
[89]: gradiant (9:37)
[90]: Color & Swatches (6:58)
[91]: marque Tools (5:54)
[92]: Pen Tool Introduction (7:22)
[93]: Artboard (7:33)
Photoshop [Application N°0] : Planning
[94]: Index (16:24)
[95]: About (7:10)
[96]: Service (7:44)
[97]: Team (7:43)
[98]: Contact Us (10:51)
[99]: Footer (6:41)
[100]: Responsive Introduction (2:41)
[101]: ViewPort [Meta Tag's] (11:12)
[102]: Media Query (14:21)
[103]: Media Query Example (7:58)
[104]: Grid Introduction
[105]: Grid Container
[106]: Grid Item
ALGORITHM [ C Language ]
[107]: Introduction [What is Algorithme ]
[108]: Tools (3:55)
[109]: Syntax (5:42)
[110]: First Program " Hello World " (6:04)
[111]: Variable & Constants (20:55)
[112]: Comment (1:42)
[113]: input (17:31)
[114]: Operator (17:34)
[115]: Condition [ if _ else _ else...if ] (15:33)
[116]: Condition [ Switch ] (21:51)
[117]: Loops [Introduction] (9:18)
[118]: Loops [ for _ while _ Do...while ] (26:50)
[119]: Arrays (38:15)
[120]: Function
[121]: Command Line argument
[122]: Introduction
[123]: Where to (10:31)
[124]: Comment (4:33)
[125]: Variable intro (9:54)
[126]: Variable Part 1 (14:35)
[127]: Arithmetic Operators (14:43)
[128]: Condition Intro (3:54)
[129]: Condition if _ Else .. if _ else (11:35)
[130]: Condition & Operation Logical (19:21)
[131]: Recursion (repetition) Introduction (Loops) (7:36)
[132]: Start Loops (More option ) (1:41)
[133]: [Loops : For ] Part-1 (13:01)
[134]: [Loops : While ] Part-1 (12:30)
[135]: [Loops : Do..while ] Part-1 (5:02)
[136]: Function Intro (5:54)
[137]: function declaration (5:13)
[138]: function expression (9:19)
[139]: Function Return (7:05)
[140]: Function parameters (12:58)
[141]: function Revision (9:29)
[142]: Switch : case & break (6:43)
[143]: Continue & break
[144]: Arrays Introduction (5:56)
[145]: Arrays part 1 : Important Info (number) (7:07)
[146]: Arrays part 1 : Important Info (String) (7:55)
[147]: Arrays Part 2 : Methods (14:55)
[148]: Object (17:45)
[149]: Callback Functions (16:25)
[150] : Introduction : what is OOP
[151] : Create the first Object (12:31)
[152] : Accessing Properties ( dot vs bracket ) (3:08)
[153] : Adding New Properties & Deleting (3:44)
[154] : Arrays and Object (7:39)
[155] : Object Method (14:59)
[156] : Object Display (11:49)
[157] : Accessors Getters and Setters (16:45)
[158] : Constructors (20:20)
[159] : Prototype
[160] : Classes Introduction
[161] : Class inheritance
[162] : Class Static
Javascript DOM
[163] : Introduction : What Is DOM
[164] : Method
[165] : Document
[166] : Elements [Finding ]
[167] : Element [Object Collections ]
[168] : HTML [Changing]
[169] : Forms
[170] : CSS
[171] : Animations
[172] : Event React
[173] : Event Listener Method
[174] : Navigation
[175] : DOM Element [Nodes]
Javascript File API
[176] : Introduction : What Is API
[177] : HTML5 Input Tag's
[178] : File Input Tag
[179] : Multiple Files
[180] : Files Sizes PostFix
[181] : Filtering Files
[182] : Input Custom Button
[183] : Image
[184] : Audio
[185] : Videos
[186] : Text Content
[187] : Drag and Drop File to a DropZone
[188] : Save File Data
Javascript advanced
[189] : Function Invocation
[190] : Function Call
[191] : Function Apply
[192] : Function Closures
[193] : Callbacks Function
[194] : Asynchronous Introduction
[195] : Asynchronous [Waiting]
[196] : Promises Introduction
[197] : Promises Callbacks
[198] : Concurrency & Promise.All
[199] : Error Handling
Bootstrap 5
[200] : What Is Bootstrap
[201] : Downloading & install
[202] : Containers
[203] : Grids
[204] : Typography
[205] : Colors
[206] : Tables
[207] : Images
[208] : Jumbotron
[209] : Alerts
[210] : Buttons
[211] : Button Groups
[212] : Badges
[213] : Progress Bars
[214] : Spinners
[215] : Pagination
[216] : List Groups
[217] : Cards
[218] : Dropdowns
[219] : Collapse
[220] : Navs
[221] : Navbars
[222] : Carousel
[223] : Modal
[224] : Tooltip
[225] : Popover
[226] : Toasts
[227] : Scrollspy
[228] : Offcanvas
[229] : Utilities
[230] : Flex
[231] : Forms
[232] : Select
[233] : Checkboxes
[234] : Range
[235] : Input Groups
[236] : Form Floating
[237] : Form Validation
[238] : Grid System
[239] : Grid Stacked
[240] : Grid XSmall
[241] : Grid Small
[242] : Grid Medium
[243] : Grid Large
[244] : Grid XLarge
[245] : Grid XXL
[85]: Create New Project
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